The Kennedy Langbank School Library is open from 8:30 to 4:00 daily. Our library includes:
- Extensive First Nations collection
- Graphic Novel selections
- Updated references and professional resources
- Current fiction selection
- Current newspaper subscription -The Kipling Citizen
Looking for a Book? Here's how to Use Our Library Database to find it!
Step 1: Click on the link below
Step 2: Perform search
Step 3: Locate the resource on the shelves
Step 3: Locate the resource on the shelves
Search Kennedy/Langbank School Library OPAC by clicking on the following link:
Digital Resources
General Reference
Periodical Databases
CBCA & Canadian Newsstand
Repère Fulltext
Canada InfoDesk (Micromedia ProQuest)
OneLook Dictionaries
Periodical Databases
CBCA & Canadian Newsstand
Repère Fulltext
Canada InfoDesk (Micromedia ProQuest)
OneLook Dictionaries
Culture Grams Password: PVSD208